Organizing, classifying, and maintaining a business's financial records by recording transactions and storing financial documentation is known as bookkeeping. It helps manage the overall financial health of an organization and provides the knowledge and information necessary for making financial decisions for growth and success. When financial records are accurate, tasks such as establishing a budget, planning for the next fiscal year, and preparing for tax time become easier.
McManus Business Solutions Bookkeeping services:
Minor/major clean-up of books
Bookkeeping for new businesses or existing businesses
Weekly/quarterly/annual bookkeeping options
Training personnel for your company's in-house bookkeeping
Set up, guidance, and management of Payroll Services
1099's, including management of required W-9s
Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable
Financial Analysis
Compile everything your accountant will need at year-end to complete taxes successfully
McManus Business Solutions Bookkeeping involves management of the financial aspects of running a business, including:
Documenting every financial transaction
Recording all debits and credits
Sending invoices and processing payments
Preparing financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow, and more)
Maintaining and balancing a general ledger
Conducting daily banking activities/reconciliation
Completing payroll functions
Preparing documentation for the Accountant​
Every business is different, so our services can be modified to meet your specific needs. Whether you are looking for someone full-time, part-time, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or on a basis determined by you, we are happy to help!
Email steph@mcmanusbs.com if you want to set up a free half-hour consultation.